Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Spoken Word

the video (above) is an exhortation from my old pastor. this was a very unusual day. my wife and i were sitting in the far left back row as usual. we are infamous for arriving church 10 minutes later than the start time. therefore, we always sat close to the back, due to seat availability and tardiness. also, we enjoyed our 'spot'. most church attenders will relate to this quoted phrase of 'spot'.

as you listen to the video, you will notice that the pastor is speaking to two couples that he knows before he gets to the man with a black shirt and black head (me). as he is speaking to the couples, i literally was joking with my wife that he may possibly call on her this day. so we were in a humorous mode and extremely lax at this time. to say, that we were (both) surprised is an understatement. we are totally comfortable with a prophetic word. church members were rarely exhorted and encouraged publicly in church services, so when it happens 'all eyes are on the person' in this church of 10,000 members or more. after he spoke to me, i was extremely overwhelmed. i made an effort to speak with our head pastor to no avail. i was directed to his assistant. i did take this as a sign of my insignificance. therefore, i didn't make contact with anyone at the church after this failure to meet. i have since matured. i understand the demands of a senior pastor realizing i should have met with his assistant. life has a way of humbling you and i assure you life (along with my wife) has humbled me. i look forward in God's timing of fulfilling my destiny. this is the beginning...

p.s. the photos have been scanned, so the quality is bad. most of the photos are old and not well maintained.

keep it righteous!

Monday, July 13, 2009

my story

in order for you to understand my journey, you must understand my past and present (the future is my focus!). thus, bullet points will represent significants of my latter and present day to quickly 'catch you up'.

  • born out of wedlock to a fatherless teenaged male and a female methodist college student

  • raised in a quitely racially segregated town with less than a thousand in population

  • parental influence and family heritage- work hard and get an education

  • accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior at 11 years of age

  • Christianity was the minority faith of same race peers

  • discovered basketball as my venue to fulfilling some dreams

  • began dating out of my race at 15

  • lost my virginity at 16

  • moved from a midwestern state to a southern state at 19 years of age to complete college education

  • engaged to marry at 21 to opposite race female

  • experienced my first true intended encounter of racism at 21

  • physically abused fiancee causing a break in engagement and breakup of relationship

  • accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord at 22 years of age

  • enrolled in seminary at 24 years of age & dropped out at 25 years of age

  • married opposite race female at 29 years of age

  • adopted a 3 year old multi-racial boy at 29 years age

  • witnessed the birth of my second son at 32 years of age

  • moved to the 4th largest metroplex in the nation with hopes of providing real life experiences and better opportunities for my sons, wife, and self

some may read the above and ask why did he mention this or that. the truth of the matter, is this is, what came to mind as i typed. as you follow this blog, you will witness raw, sincere vulnerability and transparency. there will be times when my postings may seem a bit harsh or politically incorrect. my apology to this... i am to be a man of God-Jesus Christ. i have clearly discovered in the last two weeks that my faith is limited in certain areas of my Christian walk. i desire to overcome these obstacles by attacking my fears with relentless pursuit to conquer. because i'm a Christian, regardless of an official calling, i have been commanded to '...go and make disciples of all nations... Matthew 28:19 NIV.' at this time in my life, i am not intentionally doing that. this blog is '...me intentionally doing that'. i hope to be bold, courageous, considerate, and loving in my pursuits. i hope to inspire you and draw you closer to God through Jesus Christ. i hope to have accountability through the relationship of others (Chrisitans and non-believers) to fulfill my Godly specific calling. Okay, let's begin...

keep it righteous!