Monday, January 30, 2012

What was the common theme of the 3 out of 4?

When my wife and I dated, I told her that I loved her for a month before she returned the favor. Now before you claim me a ‘sucker’ and hopeless romantic, know that I was her friend for approximately 2 years before we dated; so I felt comfortable in baring my soul. I had periodically exposed my vulnerabilities throughout our friendship. She was not so open in sharing her life stories.  It figured, as there are clear stereotypes towards women versus men. However with time and determination, I truly got to know her. She or I have never experienced this level of intimacy. I believe our individual significant heartbreaks connected us. Our true desire not to re-live or go through the self-induced experiences. Exposing and committing to not repeating our failures with the help of God enhanced every area of our relationship.

Most are aware that 50% or more of married couples are ending their unions, annually. Some are surprised when their friends call it quits, while others are not. In the early 2000s, I had a professional photo taken of me, 4 friends, and one of my friend’s son. The natural stage of a man’s life occurred… we got married. Unfortunately, only 1 of those 4 guys remains in his marital relationship. Was this surprising? Somewhat. We (all) were men who had accepted Christ and I believe (still) truly desire to please Him. However, 75% of my close friends played a role in ending their most intimate earthly relationship. 

In reflecting on these marriages, there was a common theme. Lack of intimacy… verbally, emotionally, and relational. As the unknown date of their disunion became closer, you could visually and physically identify the disconnect. Unfortunately, my friends were unaware and possibly careless of their connections. The unwillingness to share, listen, sacrifice, and commit took its toll and the inevitable took place.

I relate these relationships to a person’s individual relationship to God. God has clearly revealed his passionate love for you in all ways. Fortunately, he has significant amounts of patience. He can endure longer than a month of saying ‘I love you’ before moving on to the next soul. Similar to marriage, it takes sincere expression to experience a high level of intimacy and its benefits. If you are unwilling to be humble, express gratitude and your desire and need for the relationship; you can expect a breach or hardships. The less you choose to share, the greater the disconnect becomes. Honestly, it’s a simple principle. The concept of becoming one requires being vulnerable in your relationship with God and your spouse. It’s very possible that the things you are afraid to share and do may be the ‘glue’ that holds your relationship together for a lifetime.

If you feel separate from God and have yet to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, allow me to confirm your unhealthy spiritual relationship. Begin the process of being able to have strong unions with people by accepting the ultimate prototype for all relationships.

If you desire to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, please click on the link below.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Idiot: A foolish or stupid person.

I've noticed a common theme in my blogs. I seem to talk much about my life in the past, and then I relate it to my current and future. I’m not ‘knocking myself’, but maybe it’s time for a different style, a different approach. I sincerely have a heart for people to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. There’s frankly no other reason why I write these blogs than for this reason alone. This world (our country) is definitely in need of some humble praying and clear obedience and serving to a holy God. As cliché as it sounds, there is no better time than now to submit your life to God through Jesus Christ.

I have always been labeled by my wife and close friends as being quite blunt and excelling in TMI-ing (too much information). As a matter of fact, on Halloween day, my three year old son who verbally refused to physically allow a Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup to enter his bag was accused of having his dad’s trait by his grandmother (my mother-in-law). He doesn’t like peanut butter and clearly didn’t see a problem with letting anyone know, including his giver. Of course, I have learned to keep my views to myself a little better than my youngest son, but I still have a strong opinion. With this said, my beliefs that the Bible has the answers to all of life’s problems are stronger than ever.

The results from constant rejection of God’s way are evident; the whole blessing, which God’s promises from an obedient life of serving Him is absent. Unnecessary struggles are given to those who choose to reject His way (Deuteronomy 28:15-68). In life, there are expected challenges; so, one would think that a person would accept an easier way of living, when offered the opportunity. Surprisingly, most choose to scuffle with accepting; while, each rebellious act leads to deeper enslavement.

The joke is truly on you, if you believe that accepting Christ will limit your ‘fun’. Either, you will become a slave to Him or the other, so you might as well choose a ‘Master’ that is willing to offer you a good return. Not one that will cause you to lose your family, job, self-respect, health, family, and  finances. There are so many worldly examples which have been provided for us. With God’s discernment, you don’t need to tune to a Christian radio or television station to hear a sermon. Jesus may not be specifically mentioned, but that typically is exactly why the story is a story… ‘if you catch my drift’.

The benefits of living for God should inspire you, but quite honestly there’s so much more. God loves you and has practically set up a ‘no-fail, how to handle’ system for every area of life. Of course, this does not guarantee a pain-free life. A life of obedience to God’s commandments produces sustainable peace, joy, and freedom. If you choose to obey and serve Him, no life situation will take these attributes away from you. So, if you have yet to accept SERVING and OBEYING the one and only God (Father of Jesus Christ), who has already set up a blessing plan for you… Stop being an idiot and do so!