Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Share your life!

John 15:13
Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.

When I re-dedicated my life to the Lord, I can remember this scripture 'jumping out' at me. It instantly became my favorite scripture. The scripture placed many things into perspective for me in defining Christianity. I thought if I could be a 'good enough' friend that I could place my friendships second to my relationship to Christ, then most (probably all) of my friendships would be in great shape. I can honestly say, that from the point, I have not had any major rifts in my friendships. Each person that I called a friend, lives became more important to me. I invested in hearing their thoughts, worries, concerns, and hopes; helping them in ways that build them up; and encouraged them to trust in God, etc. I have always prided myself in being a better than average friend. I have had the honor of being the best man in three weddings. My point in saying all this is that, it has carried over into who I am, today. Before my wife and I were married, we were friends. She was there for me and I for her. Being friends before dating allowed us to be transparent in expressing our beliefs, likes/dislikes, family values, weaknesses/strengths, desires, etc. Without knowing it at the time, it allow us to develop a foundation which has been critical to our marital success, today. The scripture mentioned above illustrates how we are to be towards friends. My purpose in acknowledging is that we are to especially be this way for our spouse. If you are not best friends, take the time and become best friends. I encourage you to share your dreams, hopes, ideas, and real life every day experiences with one another. It helps bond you for a lifetime. To not share with your spouse is unChristian in the sense that Christ wants you to share your thoughts with Him. Sharing creates intimacy. You are one connected by the blood of Christ. The more you share your life, the more you practice the principle outlined in the scripture above. The devil desires to kill, steal, and destroy your marital relationship. Begin laying down your life today by being present and active (physically, emotionally, spiritually, and financially) and verbally share with your most precious gift of God, your spouse. This is why this gift was given to you!