Tuesday, December 29, 2009

They do not know what they are doing!

Luke 23:34
Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing."

In the early 2000s, I held resentment towards childhood authority figures. I had bad knees because of coaches who made me practice and play despite pain. I had bad credit because of no financial counsel. I had physically and verbally abused others because of witnessing and experiencing it. I had womanized because of rarely witnessing someone cherishing a woman. I had, I had, I had… Every problem that I was currently experiencing had a ‘paper trail’. It was not my fault, that I was so bitter, resentful, angry, and unforgiving. It was the fault of the parties who were to support and protect me. I was a child and a child should never endure some of the things that I did. There is truth in this statement; however, I was now a young man, who desperately needed some serious deliverance from all the current personal issues. ‘Pointing the finger’ at authority figures was not changing my outcome. It wasn’t until I started to let go of life letdowns that I began to change in a positive manner.

Choosing to do so was not easy, as there were constant reminders of pain and disappointments. The mistakes made as a child, teenager, and young adult had to be forgiven, as well. There had been many people that suffered the wrath of my selfishness. The selfishness was directly from self-pity from my own personal disappointments. The longer I thought ‘poor me, poor life, missed opportunities, etc.’… the more I self destructed and damaged the lives of others who cared about me or were involved in my life. This is what I learned most about unforgiveness, that is, it will (not may) adversely affect every relationship, including your personal relationship with children and spouse. It’s difficult for someone to understand unless they have similar life experiences; however, the reality is, we all have been not so forgiving at a time in our life.

A stereotypical product of unforgiveness is the common bully. In most cases, someone has teased the bully. The bully became insecure. Due to the bully's own insecurities, he/she responds in mistreating less fortunate individuals. The bully acts in a non-constructive way causing him to not reach his full potential. A constructive way would be to forgive his predator, no matter the offense, so that he may be released from the mental anguish and establish a positive mindset. You may say, ‘that is so elementary and easy to do’ or’ ‘I have tried it… it does not work’. You may even say, ‘I will never forgive the wrongdoing… That was just plain wicked, what was done to me.’ Maybe what you have not heard, no matter your current situation, is that Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit will grant you the power to forgive. Jesus Christ died that you may have eternal life in God’s presence along with giving you abilities through the Holy Spirit to accomplish His will. His will is for you to be Christ-like and forgive! He understands.

In being a sacrifice, He was innocent of the accusations. While being crucified, He forgave his accusers and punishers of the wrongdoings. If we desire to be free to perform God’s will and receive His ultimate blessing, we must do the same. As Jesus provided the example to forgive and fulfill His calling, make a decision today to release the offender and walk in God’s completeness.

If you desire to have a relationship with Jesus Christ, click on the link below.


Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The Right Source

The other day, my devotional emphasized the importance of specific prayer. To place certainty in your request by carefully evaluating your heart’s desire and needs. A reference was made to the story of Bartimaeus, the blind man who recognized Jesus at Jericho (Mark 10:46-52). Bartimaeus had been sitting by the ‘roadside begging’ when he heard that Jesus was in town. He began obnoxiously shouting to Jesus and begging for mercy. He was so loud, that the crowd attempted to quiet him. However, he did not stop, but continued ‘all the more’. Jesus called Bartimaeus over and asked him specifically, ‘What do you want me to do for you?’ Bartimaeus requested his eyesight. Due to his faith in Jesus Christ’s abilities to heal him, Bartimaeus sight was given. The author of the devotional expressed how Bartimaeus knew his root issue was being blind. With eyesight, he would not have to beg and could do for himself; therefore, he asked for his immediate need.

The interesting part of the passage is Jesus’ question to Bartimaeus, ‘What do you want me to do for you?’ Could Jesus not see that Bartimaeus was blind? Is it possible that Jesus asked this question because the unaware Bartimaeus had a greater need? With the information, which is noted in the Bible, we will arguably never know. There is one point that we can be certain- Bartimaeus’ faith in Christ was the key to his answered prayer.

During Bartimaeus’ blind life, he was granted the opportunity to think of how his life could improve. More than likely, he lived his life receiving his needs as the ‘town beggar.’ Possibly, this was something he wasn’t proud of, as the passage demonstrates in his anticipation of being healed. His opportunityto be healed came and he made his request to the One who could restore his sight. There was a time in my life, which I played the role of Bartimaeus. Desperate for healing, begging for love and acceptance, only to realize that I was begging the wrong source. After recognizing my disappointments and heartaches, I placed my faith in the right source (Jesus). Even after doing this, my requests were immature and lacked wisdom; however, I had the right Source. Jesus Christ, in all his infinite wisdom, has tremendously blessed me and continues to do so; yet, I’m confident that I still make immature request. His grace and mercy combined with my willingness to humbly serve and trust Him grants life.

I strongly encourage you to call on the name of Jesus. The Bible states that Jesus Christ’… is the same yesterday and today and forever’ (Hebrews 13:8). No matter what the situation you face today, He can rescue you as He did me and Bartimaeus. Being that He was tempted in every way without sinning (Hebrews 4:15), He has the ability to sympathize and understand you. The time is now for you to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. His ability to change your life is unlimited. Allow the power of God through Christ to transform you. Do not be ashamed or concerned with friends or family’s thoughts of your choice. As Bartimaeus unapologetically exclaimed the name of Jesus, you do the same and receive the gift of salvation and abundant life!

Numbers 23:19-20
God is not a man, that he should lie, nor a son of man, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill? I have received a command to bless; he has blessed, and I cannot change it.

If you would like to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour, please click on this hyperlink.