Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Why did I say that?

Everyone who really knows me is aware that fitness and diet are an important part of my lifestyle. I’m not a robot that only eats beans, veggies and fruits, and fish and chicken. I occasionally eat cookies and drink sugary refreshments. Although, I do enjoy my guilty pleasures; it is not a habit to eat them. My body (as most people) always responds awkwardly to an overhaul of sugar and unhealthy foods. As I get older, I also have noticed that burning off those extra calories is super tough. I desire to keep my body looking young for as long as possible.

The other day, after a long day of working, I entered the house to the smell of fresh homemade baked cookies and lasagna. My wife took the time to prepare food from scratch. This is completely out of the norm for her. She exclaimed, ‘I made homemade cookies for you to take to work and homemade lasagna for dinner!’ Without delay, I said ‘Man, you went carb crazy!’ Right after speaking, my wife eyes began watering and I realized that I was an idiot for the moment.

About a week prior to this incident, my daily devotional covered the subject of mastering the tongue. The author made reference to James 3:1-12. This passage of scriptures talks about our inability (independent of God) to tame the tongue. Verses 9 and 10 states…‘with the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in God's likeness. Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers, this should not be.’ How unfortunate that I have been unable to control my words at this stage in life. I have learned the more comfortable I become in relationships; if not careful, the more ridiculous my words. I do not desire to say hurtful words, but they are a reflection of my thoughts; so, I say it.

Before I started pursuing Christ, I was a prolific curser. I can recall swearing in public at a movie theater. A woman, who was offended by my language, asked me to stop. It was embarrassing, but not humiliating enough to discontinue. Thankfully ‘just because’ swearing immediately ended when I accepted Jesus as my Lord. Environment-provoked swearing did not. When someone or something upset me, if I did not say it aloud; I definitely cursed ‘in my head’. It was, and is, a constant battle to renew my mind to be more like Christ in order that I may speak blessings, instead of cursing.

Luke 6:45 reads…
New International Version- The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks.

New Living Translation- A good person produces good deeds from a good heart, and an evil person produces evil deeds from an evil heart. Whatever is in your heart determines what you say.

New American Standard Bible- The good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth what is good; and the evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth what is evil; for his mouth speaks from that which fills his heart.

To make a long story short, the answer to the title of this blog is ‘because of my heart’. Instead of expressing gratitude for a homemade meal, I choose to speak about the content of the food (quality of the gift). The food’s effect on my body was more important to me, than my wife’s act of service. Vanity over thanksgiving is my issue.

We all have ‘heart conditions’ that do not align with Jesus’ plan. In discovering these areas, we have a choice to change. Change begins with confession, then actively pursuing holiness through Bible reading, scripture meditation and spiritual awareness. It’s definitely ‘easier said than done’ as it may take time to change. However, as you seek the Lord, His character and priorities will become yours (James 4:8). Your nature will become His. Peace will enter your heart, and then peace is what you will speak. So, if you find your words making you sound like an idiot, pursue the Lord. He will change the overflow of your heart.

If you desire to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, please click on the link below.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Your Child Marries You

I’m a person that likes to think years in advance. This part of my personality always leads to asking hypothetical, but ‘eventual happening ‘questions. One day this led my wife and I to begin talking about our future daughter-in-laws. Although, our children attend Mother’s Day Out and the 2nd grade; it’s fun to envision their future.

Our sons have different personalities. One is super strong-willed, durably tough, prematurely likes sports, and a ‘night owl’; while the other is easily compliant and offended, artsy, and prefers to be in bed by 830p and awake by 6a (without an alarm clock). There are commonalities between the two boys such as their preference for mom over dad, but their differences are many.

The ‘future daughter-in-law’ conversation led to a question. What would you hate most about your daughter-in-law, if your son married someone identical to you? Now, I’m not the sharpest husband in regards to saying the right things. I have made some downright ‘bone head’ statements to my wife that I dearly paid. However, this question was not directed towards my wife confessing her shortcomings, but simply a ‘what if’. After my wife answered the question, I did the same. Eliminating our deficiencies created our ideal daughter-in-law.

Answering the ‘question’ promoted a greater sense of urgency towards pursuing a Christian lifestyle. My children have unknowingly become great motivators. I don’t mind working longer hours, using extra money to pay for the best camps, daycares, or education, and eating dinner every night at the dinner table. With this said, I do mind waking up at night to a crying kid, watching Yo Gabba Gabba instead of Sports Center or Lost, and sharing the shower with a ‘needing to go to bed soon’ toddler. The issue with my ‘I minds’ is the self-serving attitude. I’m aware that this mindset is being witnessed and learned by my sons. If it’s not resolved, they will more than likely exemplify the same character towards their children. Their foundation for this attitude will be ‘my dad did it!’ I have chosen to desire the better attitude of ‘Jesus did it’. If I am to live my belief, there’s no better initiative than my children acting out Christ’s behavior, due to witnessing my lifestyle choices.

Jacob, father of the twelve tribes of Israel, had a deceiving mother, Rebekah. She encouraged her son to deceive his father, Isaac, to bless him with a birthright that rightfully belonged to his older brother, Esau (Genesis 27). Of course, Jacob prevailed in his conniving plan, but later produced deceiving children. His sons would trick him into believing his favorite son, Joseph, had been killed (Genesis 37:12-36). Unfortunately, the root of deception could be traced back to Rebekah and maybe further, if we knew the whole story.

The same will happen to your children and grandchildren, if you do not choose to deal with your inconsistencies in living a holistic Christ life. I realize this truth the older my son’s become. The ‘funny’ things I do in the comfort of my home is not so ‘funny’ when my children do it in public (or at home). You’re an example is a reality.

Most parents desire to see their children joyful, prosperous, ‘well taken’ care of, and in healthy relationships, the list goes on. If you are not providing a good example or insincere in your religious attempts, please expect them to mimic your actions. Allow your children to motivate you to become closer and authentic in your personal relationship with the Lord. Children need to witness your Faith in action. They need substance- a solid foundation that never shifts, regardless of the circumstances (Ephesians 2:19-22). This foundation is Jesus Christ. Do not assume they know who you worship and praise, but be specific in your delivery (Deuteronomy 6:6-7). Specifically address Him!

If we follow the ‘map’ Jesus Christ laid out for us to follow, we will be free from concern or worry (Philippians 4:8-9); due to the seeds we planted in our children’s life. Then, if your child marries someone like you, you would have peace (2 Corinthians 6:14-16). They would harvest a wonderful return. Remember, your children will carry your family legacy (Psalms 127:3). Invest in them by investing in yourself. Start by asking God for direction. They are watching you!

If you would like to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, please click on the link below.