Monday, November 2, 2009

Bad Company corrupts Good Character

1 Corinthians 15:33
Do not be misled: "Bad company corrupts good character."

Proverbs 27:17
As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.

When I first rededicated my life to Jesus Christ, practicing 1 Corinthians 15:33 was extremely difficult. At this time in my life, I was sleeping with someone (who was not my wife), trying to make a relationship not founded on Christian principles work, sharing an apartment with friends who didn’t make a habit of practicing Christianity, and pursuing things that were not spiritually or emotionally fulfilling. After becoming completely frustrated and overwhelmed by the aforementioned, I self-reflected. My discoveries pointed to my way of thinking (thoughts and perceptions). I had allowed different things in my life to adversely affect the way I saw marriage, money, women, authority, career, etc. It was not only my association with people, but with the media (television, movies, music, magazines, etc.) that caused such an unfulfilling outlook on my future. The world’s system of thinking and believing was becoming a major part of my thought process.

Whether you are to agree with this or not, what we are ‘around’ influences our life. Have you ever did something you did or did not like and think ‘dang it, I’m just like my dad (or mom)!’ I would be willing to bet my paycheck (if you are over 30 years of age with a child) that you have. This is totally natural and it basically ‘boils down’ to basic math. You have spent more than half of your life with your parents. Parental influence plays a significant role in our development as an adult and more so, a Christian. The relevancy of mentioning the influence of a parent is that the same principle applies in our selection of close friends and media outlets. If you are reading this blog, you are capable of choosing what you will watch, hear, and read, as well as, who you will be allowing in your ‘circle’. You have some control of your future! The best way to begin is reading the Bible to understand who you are as a child of God. Entertainment and friendships are great; however, if it is contrary to your growth as a believer, it is simply a sin. The beginning step to a more peaceful and prosperous life is your obedience to the Word of God. I do understand the difficulty of ending a relationship; I have experienced this on several occasions. It’s typically never easy whether you are the ‘breaker’ or the ‘broken’. However, if you desire the life that God has promised you, this must be done. Hopefully, as you get older in years, letting the unfruitful go will become easier than harder. Life will motivate you! Getting married, raising children, and becoming a leader in your God-given calling are ways in which you can demonstrate your Christ likeness. If you are demonstrating your character in any other way, your lifestyle will hurt those you love and lead. In return, their life will be affected and the cycle will continue. You play a role in ending the negative cycle, today!

Begin practicing Proverbs 27:17 and select company which will help you become God’s vision for your life. Remember, that no one is perfect, but Jesus Christ. We are made perfect in Him (1 Colossians 1:28). Seek close relationships with those who desire to grow in their walk with the Lord. Commonalities are important. Do not neglect the natural in being overly spiritual. Being equal yoked is the goal (2 Corinthians 6:14)! There’s a chance that you may be stronger in your faith than some of your Christian friends. My encouragement to you is simple. Romans 14:1 states that we should accept those who faith is weak without passing judgment. Just make sure their ‘faith’ is in Jesus and that there is substance of being a Christian (Galatians 5:22). If you allow, the Holy Spirit will guide you in these important matters. Think ‘outside the box’ in regards to your growth as a Christian. Pray and ask God to make you aware of your association with ‘stumbling blocks’. More than likely as you read this blog, you are aware of what they may be. I encourage you to do your part in drawing near to God for direction. He promises to help (James 4:8). Become an overall healthy person according to the Word of God and watch the blessings of God overtake you.