Tuesday, February 23, 2010

the Truth will set You free

In the summer of 2001, I was a camp counselor for a Christian sports camp. The camp traveled throughout the southern region of the United States stopping at college campuses to lead sports clinics. Our staff consisted of volleyball, softball, baseball, and cheerleading coaches. The experience is extremely memorable. The opportunity to get away from my comfortable environment and adapt to a new surrounding with people from different parts of the states was somewhat challenging. However, the opportunity of meeting people, touching the lives of children and teenagers, and growing as a believer was much needed.

During this time in my life, my emotions still somewhat dictated what I ‘said’ and ‘did’. More than ever, since rededicating my life to Christ, I had the tendency to say things that made ‘no sense at all’ simply to encourage a laugh. Whether it rudely interrupted, mocked authority, or encouraged observations of other’s flaws, I would verbally acknowledge it; knowing that during the process, I was wrong. If the crowd or one person laughed, my ego was fed. My ability was not a secret to anyone, as everyone knew to be careful with the words or actions around me. To this day, it is a past behavior that I probably am most shameful.

Throughout the summer, personalities were established amongst the group. There was a staff member, that I was not really close to, whom hardly ever said a word. When he spoke it was encouraging and positive. His actions matched his words, as he was ‘happy-go-lucky’ and much admired by everyone.

During the 4th of July weekend, our group took a much needed break. We decided to go into New Orleans to visit the inner city. Of course, while there we saw many different people. I happen to see someone out of this ‘many people’ that sparked my visual interest. In response, I excitedly commented in a jokingly, what I thought at the time, Christian manner to ‘this guy’. Looking for a ‘buy-in’, I was met with a scripture not an opinion.

Ephesians 4:29
Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.

“Wow, did you really just quote scripture at me?” This is the exact thought that entered my mind. I don’t remember what else he said, but this scripture was definitely remembered. I was immediately angry at the young man. I felt that he did not understand me or where I came from. I immediately isolated myself from him. Watched him more carefully and held a grudge for the words spoken.

After four weeks of being encouraged to watch my words, I was unable to sleep. I’m not a man that cries much, but when I do, it’s a terrible, ‘snot-blowing’ experience and this particular night, the snot was overflowing along with tears. The Word of God communicated to me in an untouched area. The conviction was real. If I desired to continue growing with God, I needed to repent and ask God for his help in this defeated area of my life. Thankfully, I did. Today, I still struggle with the use of my tongue towards building up others; however, I’m much better.

Recently, I was given a verbal ‘pat on the back’ from an ongoing observer. For the most part through my adult life, I have been told that I have a bright future with charisma ‘to match,’ but this day, I was told something that I considered an achievement, not a gift. I was informed that I was careful with my words and possessed the ability to know ‘when to’ and ‘not to’ speak. It’s comical considering my past. If you were to ask my wife, she may not 100% agree, as it is easier to watch your tongue at work versus your home. Yet, I rejoice because of the progress. I’m convinced that had I not repented and asked God for help, this compliment would have ever been heard.

When God gives you a command, He does not factor in your experiences, background, or obstacles. He expects you to obey. It’s for your own good. He promises that He will never allow more than you can bear. The sooner you submit to His will, the faster you will experience peace and joy. If the Lord uses someone to speak His words into your life, rejoice! Even the more, if the person is upright, God-fearing, and follower of Jesus Christ. After praising Him for His truths, follow through by repenting and following His path; as it is, the only way to experience real freedom.

If you chose to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, please click on the link below.
