Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The Ultimate Preventable Disease

I just recently read an article that projected that by 2030 that half of the United States of America adult population will be obese. That is so disappointing, because it’s something we can control. Some articles have even proclaimed obesity as being the number one killer of Americans. Simply ‘Google’ obesity and it’s relation to preventable diseases; one will see the direct correlation. The fact that it’s preventable gives us the right to either accept or reject it. Each individual has the freedom to choose. As obesity is only one killer of our bodies, there are so many other allowed avenues of destructive access.

One of the great characteristics of God is the freedom he has given us to decide. As you will hear most preachers say, “He is a gentleman” in his delivery of the Gospel. From my own personal experience, I was never ‘beat over the head’ with his message. Sure there were occasional fire and brimstone messages, but for the most case, it was tenderly conveyed. Through trials and errors, no matter how much I rejected Him; the initial pain due to my opposite choices of his plan were delicate. The immediate consequences were not severe enough to discontinue my rebellious and (spiritually) life threatening behavior. However, if you have read my past blogs, you are familiar with some of the consequences of my disobedience. The sowing of my seeds harvested a fruit, which I didn’t desire to digest. Unfortunately, I had to chew and swallow some. Thankfully, God’s grace was sufficient in allowing a way of escape.

It’s somewhat surreal (now) looking back realizing how silly I was to hold on. I honestly knew that I was slowly desensitizing myself to Godly things. My lifestyle was a direct reflection of my mentality and way of life. I constantly felt out of place in the presence of those who ‘acted’ as I ‘acted’. It was very plain and simple, that life couldn’t healthy continue down this path.

My junior year in college, a girl invited me to a bible study in her dorm. I attended. The college minister spoke. My eyes watered ‘dang near’ the entirety of his message. At completion, he approached me to inquire. I simply informed him that I was not ready. I went back to doing life, as I preferred. Thinking about that, now, is really heartbreaking. Thankfully, I didn’t make any major decisions from this time to the time I gave my heart to God, that drastically traumatized my life. It could have happened, but once again, God’s grace was sufficient.

Obesity is a disease that can be considered a silent killer. However, a person who is obese is easily identified. Most people believe it not to be politically correct to call someone overweight, “fat”. The watering down of America’s culture not to ‘call something what it is’ enables ALL of us with issues to continue having issues (my opinion). This similar approach applies to communicating with people living contrary to God’s way. Sin is a silent killer of our spiritual life. It disconnects us from a holy God. Unfortunately, unlike obesity, sin is not simply recognized by everyone. If you are unfamiliar with God’s word, there is no way you may be aware that you are committing violations to His commandments.

In my role as a personal trainer, I initially discuss with client’s their goals. For most, it’s to lose weight. A body fat percentage test is conducted, which requires measurements of 4 to 7 different sites on a person’s body. The layers of fat directly under the skin entered into an equation offer an approximate measurement of an individual’s pounds of body fat. This percentage determines if you are overweight or obese. If a client is obese, it is my responsibility to tell the potential client of the many preventable diseases connected to having more than 25% body fat for males and 30% body fat for females. Also, they are informed with proper exercise and diet; changes can be made. No one forces them to exercise and eat right. They have a decision that has to be made based on the data which was given.

Similar to me fulfilling duties in my vocational role, God (Holy Spirit) conducts a series of tests. There’s come a point in every woman and man’s life were spiritual guidance is needed. In this case, God finds an avenue to communicate his love to you. Today, his form of communication would be this blog. Your spirit feels an emotional tug like ‘He’s talking to me’. Correlations to your present spiritual state are connected with your future. After you evaluate your potential outcome, you are offered an option for a life of salvation and abundance (
John 10:10). God doesn’t force the decision to choose his way of life. It’s your choice.

It’s sad to think that something that we (America) could physically and spiritually prevent may ultimately destroy us. God in his immeasurable love allows us free will to make a choice. With this freedom, human beings have historically rejected his simple wisdom; however, God has never changed his character. As I would encourage a potential client to workout and eat better, I’m encouraging you… choose Jesus! It truly is the better way. Do not be deceived, God will not be mocked (
Galatians 6:7). Every knee will one day bow and confess Jesus Christ is King of King and Lord of Lords (Isaiah 45:23). Whether you do it ‘now or later’ is your choice.

If you desire to choose Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, please click on the link below.
